KAT Raiders Youth Football & Cheerleading
1. Athletes are expected to arrive ON TIME ( 10 minutes prior) to the start of practice time. Parents are expected to be at the practice location 15 minutes before the end of practice so we can hand out material and give updates.
2. Athletes must wear practice cloths: shorts, t-shirt, socks and sneakers. Hair should be
pulled back. Dress for the weather.
3. Athletes must bring enough water for practice. No food is allowed during practice.
4. Garbage and water bottles must be cleaned up at the end of every practice.
5. Athletes must have permission to be released from practice by their coach. To ensure your child's safety, Peewee parents must check out their child.
6. Parents may watch practices so long as they are at a distance where the athletes will not be distracted. Please do not give instructions or advice to your children during practice and please allow your coaches to coach.
7.Practice updates and cancelations will be given out via Facebook, text and verbally. We will post ASAP if there is a change in the practice or game schedule. .
8. We will have parent meetings where participation is required..
Commissioner: Laurie Jasin (716)319-0243
Pee Wee/ Mascot:(Age 4-7)
Head Coach:
Assistant Coach:
Jr Coach:
Freshman: (Age 8-9)
Head Coach:
Assistant Coach:
Jr Coach:
Junior Varsity: (Age 10-11)
Head coach:
Assistant Coach:
Jr Coach:
Varsity: (Age 12-14)
Head coach:
Assistant Coach:
Jr Coach:
We are always looking for helpers and we are in need for next season. Please send them our way and give us their contact information so we can reach out! All positions are volunteer! Please e-mail Katraiders@roadrunner.com
Cheerleaders will be assigned to a team based on their age by August 1st
Registration is now open as of March 2024